Our Pregnancy Journal

A website dedicated to our first pregnancy...by Hollie (and Tim).

Monday, November 29, 2004

Test Results

Saw Dr. Damji today regarding my ultrasound results. They found a "small gestational sac in the endometrial tube and it looks fine". Thank God...they also found a 1cm cyst on my left ovary which may have been the cause of some of my cramping. Dr. Damji has ordered a follow-up ultrasound to make sure the embryo is coming along appropriately.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

A Crazy Day...

When I woke up this morning, my spotting was quite a bit worse...I was really scared and called my mom as Tim was back at work. I asked her to come to the clinic with me - so I picked her up and we heading to the Burlington Clinic. They again told me that spotting was normal but because it had lasted a few days they suggested having an ultrasound this afternoon. We headed to the Oakville Lab for 2:00 - quite uncomfortable having to drink all that water...Because I am just about 5 weeks, they couldn't really see too much so decided an internal would be better. They had a much clearer picture and everything looked fine. That alone made me feel so much better - when I got home, Heather from work brought me over some flowers and a homemade card from the babies....That made my day :)

Monday, November 22, 2004

A bit of a scare...

Yesterday I started to notice I was having a bit of spotting. After some reading, I discovered that some spotting in early pregnancy is quite common...putting my mind at ease a bit. Later today, it started to get worse and I thuoght I'd better call the TeleHealth hotline just to be sure. After hearing my symptoms, she said she'd call a doctor and if he didn't call me back within 30 minutes, I should rush to the ER as I may be miscarrying...OMG...I was devastated. The doctor called back right away and told me that spotting is quite normal but to take a couple days off work to rest - just in case. I find it so amazing - we've only known about our little peanut for 4 days, but we love it so much already...I pray that everything will be alright.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Spreading the News....

It was so hard for me to keep my excitement to myself today. Michelle had asked me if I had gotten my period yet and I told her that I wasn’t expecting it til Monday or Tuesday. Heather and I had a long talk about pregnancy today – boy, it was so hard to keep a straight face. Tim picked me up today to go to the doctor’s at 2:30 – we just had to get the requisition for the blood work but we’re 5 minutes to late as the clinics close at 3. So we decided to go ahead and tell our families and get the blood work done tomorrow.
How we told the family....
We went to Eastgate and bought the Cherished Teddies baby figurine…and a “bun” for Jenn. Stopped at Mom and Dad’s first…they were surprised to see us as they knew Tim was supposed to be in Winnipeg and I had my Christmas dinner to go to. We said that we were shopping and found something that they might like…Mom opened the box and it took her a minute to clue in…They both started to cry. Jenn came home a little while later and I handed her the bun (she told me that when I was pregnant to present her with a bun so she’d know I had a bun in the oven) She opened the bag and kind of looked at it weirdly, she went to take a bite and her eyes filled up with tears and she started to scream – by far the best reaction…was sooo cute – She is already planning little skater outfits for the baby – an AC/DC diaper shirt (yikes) Next stop, the Barnes’…by the time Brad got home, Grampa had arrived too. We gave Darlene the figurine, she had the same reaction…Brad said he had an idea as Tim had called him a couple times today. They were all very happy.
We rushed home to get ready for the dinner and headed out. I didn’t plan on telling everyone tonight…Cathy looked so happy so I said to her “I kind of lied to you today, I didn’t go to the DRs about my menstrual pains…I went because I am pregnant” She hugged me, like, 8 times and said she hoped I was going to tell everyone tonight. I saw Michelle go into the bathroom, so I followed her in – she asked me how my appointment went…I told her I was pregnant. Her eyes filled up and gave me a gigantic hug. She is so excited for me…we will soon be living walking distance away and will be on maternity leave together. I went back to the table and sat for a few minutes, then told everyone there (Trish, Tom, Heather, Katy and Jay) they all gave me huge hugs – and everyone at the other tables clued in and joined in on the hugging. I don’t know if telling everyone at 4 weeks is crazy….It was just so hard to keep it from everyone...especially as they have been very supportive of me - knowing that Tim and I were trying for 5 months.

Thursday, November 18, 2004


This morning when I entered my BBT into the Fertility Friend online chart, I noticed my days past ovulation was a lot longer than usual – at first I just figured it was because I ovulated on day 13 rather than on the usual day 17 or 19. Just for fun, I decided to take the leftover pregnancy test from last time. I did the test and then proceeded to put on my makeup for work (about 8:10am). When I peeked at the test, I was amazed – 2 pink lines….I immediately started to cry and ran into our bedroom, where Tim was still asleep…"There are 2 pink lines, there are 2 pink lines” – Tim sat up thinking there was something wrong – I started to cry more and was shaking like a leaf…We hugged and sat and cuddled for a little before I left for work at 8:30…I really wanted to stay home today and celebrate but had an important day at work - I had a meeting my student’s teacher today and had to do her midterm. Boy, was it hard to keep in my excitement…. When I went home at lunch, Tim surprised me with the idea of staying home from Winnipeg (was going to visit Sean)…we were both so happy that he couldn’t bear to leave for the entire weekend. When I got home that night, we went for dinner and to also get a second test. The test came out again…POSITIVE. It’s almost surreal – I can’t even believe that I am pregnant…our parents are going to be sooo happy. I can’t wait to tell my mom and dad….and Auntie Jenn. It's kind of funny because this whole week, I had been so tired... falling asleep on the couch by 8:30…I figured I was coming down with something...maybe Mono again ;) But that explains it…I’m pregnant. We are so excited!